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Product Reviews


Product Reviews

To add reviews to your product page, create a reviews directory in the _data directory and add a yaml file with the name of the product_code from the product page, for example _data/reviews/ABC124.yml.

Create the reviews using the following format:

- name: Mr E Xample
  rating: 4
  title: Great product, highly recommended
  date: 2019-01-01
  avatar: https://bulma.io/images/placeholders/128x128.png
  description: >
    The product worked really well. I would recommend this to most people to use. Delivery was quick and reasonable. 
    Would recommend this to my friends. 
- name: Mrs R E View
  rating: 5
  title: Nice, really liked this
  date: 2019-02-02
  description: >
    The product worked exactly as described. 

If you don’t want to display an avatar image then a default user icon will be displayed. If you don’t want to display a rating then omit it from the yaml file.