Post with Intro

Post with Intro

This is the introduction text for this post. It appears large and bold at the top of the post!

Published: Sep 5, 2019 by Guest Author

Version 0.3 allows you to provide a intro and an intro image. When creating your post add a short intro text an intro_image as a path to an image and then specify the intro_image_ratio which should be a Bulma image class.

layout: post
title: Post with Intro
author: Guest Author
intro: This is the introduction text for this post. It appears large and bold at the top of the post
intro_image: /img/home.jpg
intro_image_ratio: is-16by9

Only the intro is required if you want to display it. If you don’t want an image then don’t specify one and just the intro text will display.

Guest Author

Guest Author

Web Designer

This is an example of a guest author

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