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The ROAD to an Eco-Friendly Future

What’s the most non environmentally friendly thing you can think of? How about the road. Let’s change that!

Going into Aeroplane Mode

Last week I went on holiday abroad and as data was not included on my contract for that country I had to turn data roaming off. I also had to go into aeroplane mode on the flights there and back. The result was no app notifications for a week.

Learnings about Social Media Marketing

I’m a web developer by day for a large business. Luckily, they are already very well established and they get lots of visits each day. But starting from scratch with promoting my own website has been very daunting, but also very rewarding.

Thoughts from Generate Conference

The other week I was lucky enough to get a ticket to Generate Conference by .net Magazine. There were some really interesting talks, some technical, others more inspirational.

Building the Orkos House website with Foundation

I was recently asked to update the website for Orkos House. The old website was built with a free website creator and used tables for the page layout. It had some great images and I saw a lot of potential for this site.

Adding Twitter cards to Jekyll

Twitter cards are a great way of making links to your site stand out to other twitter users. They can be used to provide additional information and an image about your page, from within twitter when you expand a tweet. Examples include twitter summary cards that provide a title, description and image, or product cards that can provide information such as price or product category.

Latest Posts

Why did I become a writer?
Why did I become a writer?

There has been a lot of discussion on Threads recently about becoming a writer, but don’t give up your day job. I have seen a lot of arguments from all sides, some people saying they became a successful full time writer, others saying they would never give up their job, then there are others who became writers full time then went back to another job. Writing has always been a hobby for me, but this discussion has made me think more about why I write.

Adding social icons to the Bulma Clean Theme footer
Adding social icons to the Bulma Clean Theme footer

Version 1.1.0 of Bulma clean theme has been released. It has a small update that allows you to easily add social media links to the footer of your site.

The Little-Astwick Mysteries (book 2) - Grave concern at the Manor
How NOT to make a website

How NOT to make a Website

By C.S. Rhymes

From £5.49 or read for free on Kindle Unlimited!

Nigel's Intranet Adventure

Nigel's Intranet Adventure

By C.S. Rhymes

From £3.99 or read for free on Kindle Unlimited!